How Can the iWellnessExam® Detect Vision-Threatening Diseases?

Vision-threatening conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and others usually do not have early-stage symptoms. Thus, a comprehensive eye exam is vital. A thorough retinal exam is an integral part of protecting your vision. It is why the iWellnessExam® has been so effective in comprehensive eye exams.


What Is an iWellnessExam?


An iWellnessExam is a revolutionary imaging process that offers high-definition cross-sections of the optic nerve and retina. It works as an MRI of the eye. The exam can uncover signs of an eye condition with delicate detail. Such detail is invisible to conventional eye examination methods.


The iWellnessExam Technology


An iWellnessExam technology helps detect systemic diseases and potentially vision-threatening ailments. It reveals their existence in their early stages, paving the way for prompt treatment. Additionally, your optometrist will gain access to a permanent record of your retinal exam for future reference.


What Does iWellnessExam Do?


There are many benefits of getting a regular iWellnessExam. The examination helps your doctor detect common eye conditions. These include:


  • Glaucoma – This is a condition that causes your nerve fibers to suffer damage. It can result in permanent vision loss or blindness if unaddressed. An iWellnessExam can help detect it in its early stages

  • Diabetic Retinopathy – This condition is a result of diabetes. It causes damage to the blood vessels in your retina. It affects a third of Americans with diabetes, according to the CDC

  • Macular Degeneration – This condition impacts the center of your retina (macula). This deteriorates your ability to see fine details. An iWellnessExam can help detect macular degeneration in its early stages. This helps with its management and prevention of further damage to your vision


Benefits of an iWellnessExam


Unlike traditional eye exams, the iWellnessExam is innovative and quite detailed. Some of the advantages of this eye exam include:


  • Provides a thickness map of your ganglion cell complex and retina. This offers your eye doctor detailed information that is unavailable using conventional methods

  • Provides a comprehensive SD-OCT scan report. It helps detect early signs of an illness or your general eye health

  • Provides a lasting record of your eye health. An iWellnessExam gives your doctor a record of your eye health reports every time you get the exam. It helps in comparing records in the future

  • It provides the chance to examine and discuss the results. You and your doctor can deliberate over the iWellnessExam result and formulate viable solutions

  • Provides the opportunity to detect eye conditions at their early stages. It is an important strategy to deal with eye diseases when they are most treatable


Why It Is Unique


iWellnessExam is non-invasive. It is an innovation and a great addition to your regular eye exam. As a patient, you can now see detailed images of your retina in real-time. It is arguably the most innovative and comprehensive eye exam available today. Unlike other eye examination techniques, iWellnessExam is easy, comfortable, and fast. It is also suitable for patients of all ages.


For more on the iWellnessExam, contact Eyes on You, PC, at our office in Portland, Oregon. You can call (971) 252-7500 today to schedule an appointment.

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